Press Release Summary = Tattoos, what do they say? Don\'t they say it all? Well, they have been around for many many years, the exact amount of time seems to be at odds, and have endured both criticism and time.
Press Release Body = Eugene, Oregon - October 13, 2006- Tatoos, what do they mean? Well, let\'s just look at a few.
--- Angel Tattoos --- Although angels have extreme significance pertaining to religion, their popularity has been attributed much to their beautiful forms that are generously submitted to artistic concepts and designs. The wings, which in normal cases are the focus of tattoo designs, are artistic enough even when used alone. In fact, many depictions and tattoo ideas include only the wings of angels. And these wings, being the body of the full design are added with crosses, wordings and other elements that are used to complement their beauty.
It may now too natural that any one would wear an angel tattoo. Well, some centuries past people were forbidden from tattooing, especially those that include spiritual symbolism such as the angels and crosses.
--- Tribal Tattoos--- These tend to be displays of history and in some cases social status, depending on the tribes that used these Tribal Tattoos. * American Indians used tattoos to show their masculinity, usually by tattooing animals on them. * The Polynesians used these tribal tattoos to express the history of the person wearing it and to identify his status in society. * The Ancient New Zealand people usually tattooed their legs and faces. The facial tattoos were used mostly for identity. * The Celtics like to use tattoos with knots, intertwining laces, abstracts and mythical characters.
These are just a few. As we can see from our society now, there are many more types of tattoos and reasons why people get them. They like to use them as these ancient tribes did but for many other reasons also. It really depends on the person getting the tattoo.
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